How Long Does an End Of Lease Cleaning Take?

End Of Lease Cleaning

We know it is necessary to handle bond cleaning perfectly to get back your security amount without deductions and avoid any dispute with the landlord. It is not easy to meet the set demands of the landlord, but you can hire best Bond Cleaning Services Gold Coast to make your cleaning the perfect one. But what if it takes too much time and hampers your shifting? What if you keep it for the ending day and it does not get complete by the particular time? Don’t worry, we will provide you with better insight into how long it takes to complete the bond cleaning p[process but before that let us see what it includes.

Stay tuned to learn more!

What are the inclusions of a bond cleaning?

According to Bond Cleaning Services, the general bond cleaning process includes below below-listed tasks but it may vary from one bond cleaner to another. So, let us check this out:

  • Spring Cleaning
  • BBQ Cleaning
  • Oven Cleaning
  • Carpet Cleaning
  • Lights/fans/other fixtures Cleaning.
  • Removing cobwebs from ceilings.
  • Baseboard Cleaning
  • Spot-cleaning walls
  • Windows and Blinds Cleaning
  • Sanitizing wardrobes, cabinets, and other storage units
  • Mirror and other glass surfaces cleaning
  • Cleaning showerheads, faucets, bathtubs, sinks, and toilets.
  • Sweeping and mopping the floors.
  • Mowing the lawn
  • Outdoor Cleaning

How long does it take to bond cleaning?

The time taken for Bond Cleaning depends on the experience of the bond cleaners. If they are experienced enough, they will take a few hours to complete the bond cleaning task. But if you hire fresher bond cleaners then it may take longer than usual.

Also, it depends on the size of your house/ flat. Of course, it will be easier to clean a flat of 1BHK than clean cleaning a 3BHK.

The third thing on which the bond cleaning depends is the level of dirt your house possesses. If your house is more than dirty then it will consume more time and if it is almost cleaned, it will be done in a few hours.

Also, if you have pets in your house, the task will take more time because pets make your house more dirty than ever. They can not understand if they are creating a mess in the house or not. You can not stop them from playing but you need extra care while bond cleaning.

  • 1 BHK can take seasoned cleaners for about 1.5 hours.
  • For a 2-BHK, the usual time is 2.5 hours.
  • A 3-BHK home with up to two bathrooms can take 3.5 to 4 hours.
  • Homes with more than 3 BHK can easily take up to 8 hours.

If you try to clean your house yourself, then it may take more than usual time and it will be more time-consuming and tiring.

What are the necessities after the bond cleaning?

Even if you hire a bond cleaning expert or do it yourself, you must do these essentials after the bond cleaning process:

  • Entry of the copy: Check the copy of the entry condition to confirm the property is cleaned in the same way as it was in the beginning.
  • Proof: Proof your bond cleaning by taking videos and photos after bond cleaning.
  • Complete report: Fulfill the needs of the exit report and let it be signed by the owners.
  • Don’t hold any possessions: Clear all the possessions before leaving the house.
  • Mention your forwarding address: Do not forget to mention your forwarding address to the Residential Tenancies Authority and add it to the rental bond refund form.
  • Refund Claim form: Make sure to complete your details on the refund claim form with all your right details and the sign of the owner.


Bond cleaning is an essential part of the end-of-tenancy period to get back your bond security without deductions. Bond cleaning is difficult for one person especially when you are busy professionals. Hence, to ensure the perfect bond-cleaning process you need to hire a professional. Bond cleaning may take time but it depends on the size, level of dirt, and experience of the cleaners as well. In this blog post, we have discussed the time taken to clean the rental property. Also, we have mentioned what are the necessities after the bond cleaning. I hope this blog has helped you a lot in knowing about the bond cleaning time. 


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